Meeting Minutes : November 2021


Meeting minutes of November 1, 2021 

Twenty-seven members and friends met at Vorderman VW for our annual chili cook-off on  November first. After a tasty meal of five pots of chili, cornbread, and numerous desserts, we  voted on the winning chili. Congratulations go to Sue Lantzer, the chili cook-off winner! Sue  and Larry get to enjoy the colossal trophy for the coming year! 

We welcome new members, Chuck Owen and Bob and Pam Berger to our Club! 

We will not have a meeting in December, but we will have an after-Christmas party on Sunday  afternoon, January 9th, at 1:00. This includes a $10.00 white elephant gift exchange. The  location will be announced in a separate email. 

Marilyn read thank you notes from the Ellises and the Vorndran family. 

Larry Thiel said that Dave Strassburg is very ill; please keep him in your prayers. 

Larry Temenoff said that a friend is looking for an original key for a Karmenn Ghia. Chuck Ellis  said that Wolfburg has cut out stamped keys, but you need the VIN. 

Thank you to Alex Vorderman for hosting our chili cook-off!

Meeting Minutes : October 2021


Meeting Minutes of October 4. 2021 

Twenty-two members of the Old Fort VW Club met at the home of Chuck and  Becky Ellis for our October meeting, potluck dinner and fellowship. Thanks to  Chuck and Becky for hosting another fun October event. We even got to help  them celebrate their 50th anniversary with cards, cake and song! 

October 8,9,10 is the CCC Car Show, with camping available, either primitive or  full hook-up. 

Discussion of distribution of Show profits. In years past we have divided up the  proceeds between 3-4 organizations, but Ann Thiel shared a need of a young girl  that she has known for several years at St. Joe Elementary School, Morgan. Morgan was diagnosed with aplastic anemia, and is in desperate need  of a bone marrow transplant. Her parents have very little income, and are having  difficulty meeting expenses. We voted to donate $1600.00 to the family. 

Our November 1st meeting will be at Vorderman’s , for our chili cook-off. This is  a potluck meal; if you aren’t bringing chili, feel free to bring salads or desserts,  cornbread, etc. 

Bowls, spoons and napkins will be provided. Please bring your own water or soft  drinks. (No alcoholic drinks at Club events) 

Please respond to this email if you wish to order one of the glass participation  plaques from the Car Show, and I don’t list your name: 

Ken & Rhonda, Phil, Mark Sharpe, Gary, Doug Shuman, Kyle, Orlyn. They are  $17.00. 


Meeting Minutes : September 2021


September 13, 2021 

Twenty members and friends met at Shoaff Park for our September meeting. 

Kyle Shepherd asked for a treasurer’s report. Orlyn Meyer passed the report around. After taking out the  expenses for the Car Show, we had a profit of $1,826.26. We also took in six new members. 

Larry Thiel said that two walkie-talkie radios that we use for the Show have broken, and he needs to replace  them for about $20.00 for the pair. MM&P for Larry to take care of getting the radios. 

Barb Wiederman is having an auction to sell many car parts that belonged to her husband, including motors,  transmissions, tools, etc. The auction is October 3rd at 9AM. She would appreciate help. 

Several events are listed on the Club Website, or soon will be, including: 

∙ Toledo Bug Fest: $5.00 per person park entrance, plus $15 to show 

East of I-280, NE corner of Toledo. (Much road construction) 

∙ Martin, MI Show Sept 19 

∙ James Dean 9/24-25-26 

∙ Grabill Road Apple 

Larry Thiel read the first three articles of the OFVW Club Constitution. (SEE CLUB CONSTITUION). It states  that members are asked to be considerate of fellow members, and to conduct themselves in a manner that  reflects the spirit of camaraderie within our Club. All Club members are expected to treat fellow members  with respect and dignity.  

Following the reading of the three articles from the Club Constitution, Kyle read a letter that had been sent  anonymously to the Club officers, regarding an event that happened at the Show. Kyle asked Club members  what should be done. After some discussion, it was agreed that we will not have any voting on Club Cars for  the next Show. At that time, we can re-address the situation. Kyle will also be in contact with the D.J.  concerning the situation. 

The Valer Company that made the beautiful glass trophies is willing to make Club Member Show souvenirs for  $17.00 each. Anyone that wants one and did not give Marilyn your name yet, please respond to this email. 

Larry Thiel said that we need to be thinking of the Charities that should receive a donation. We will discuss  these and be voting at our October meeting. 

Our October meeting is a potluck/bonfire at Chuck & Becky Ellis’ home, 5796 County Rd. 51, St. Joe. Take State Road 1 into St. Joe, turn left on County Rd. 60, go to County Rd. 51, turn right. Continue to 5796.  Ellises will provide the meat and beverages; bring a veggie, salad or dessert, AND A CHAIR FOR THE  CAMPFIRE. Arrive 6-6:15. 

Kyle will check with Vordermans about our November Chili Cook-off. 

Marilyn Meyer

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